
我在静静的横坑等你 I'm waiting for you in the quiet Hengkeng Village

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I’m waiting for you in the quiet Hengkeng Village

One of the ten most beautiful villages in Zhejiang Province

The boutique Minshuku Valley under Clouds in Hengkeng Village, Songyang County

Advertising for a manager and café partners(can be nationals of any country)。


   It is said that Songyang County is the last secret place in the Jiangnan region, and Hengkeng is just that ancient secret village which impresses people most. Hengkeng Village is located at the top of the mountain and is shrouded in clouds. Houses tier upon tier with yellow walls and black tiles. Towering old trees sit at the entrance of the village; corridor bridges join place to place outside the village; streams flow with a murmuring sound all around the village.


   Hengkeng Village is one of the national ancient villages, located in Yecun Township, Songyang County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province. It is situated on the Aodaijian hillside at an altitude of 1080 meters. This village has existed for over 400 years already. There are more than 7000 negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter in the air, so the air in Hengkeng is really fresh. Hengkeng is also the source of the Dongwu reservoir which is the drinking water sources of Songyang County.  Hengkeng is awarded the title of one of the ten most beautiful villages in Zhejiang by the Tourism Bureau of Zhejiang Province  joint ifeng.com  in 2016.   


   The beauty of Hengkeng is not an exaggerated one. The well-arranged houses with the angular steps and alleys make the layout of Hengkeng an inverted triangle. Hengkeng lies deep in the bamboo grove, bold and dignified. 


     When you walk into that house projecting over the water which is not tall and big but of rich history; when you tread on those stone steps which is not so smooth even a little inclined; when you get into that alley which is narrow and winding; when you go through that veranda which is long and low… You will find that as if you were in another world, a big amazing maze. You will also be surprised that there should be so many secrets in Hengkeng, a place of primitive simplicity. 


   Stepping on the creaky floor, you may see a big window on the south side of the house. Hostess in red is lost in thought leaning against the windowsill. The ridge of the roof, mountains and terrace seem to float in the thin mist. Seeing this, a line from Tune: “A Riverside Town”, a poem written by Su shi, will come to your mind “Last night I dreamed of coming to our native place; She’s making up her face Before her mirror with grace” (Su shi is a famous poet of Song Dynasty) Perhaps such views are not amazing, because you can meet them in many of the houses projecting over the water in Hengkeng. But for the people from cities who are used to reinforced concrete, it is worthwhile taking even a little look here.


   The beauty of Hengkeng is a magnificent one. Maybe it is because Hengkeng is located in remote mountains; rocks here are generally uneven, having edges and corners. Even after hundreds of years of vicissitudes, they are still with straight backs, lying or erect, without any soft part. 


   Some houses are just built on the raised stones. Villagers build the foot of the wall of several meters using stones in the light of local conditions. They not only build walls with stones, but build stone steps which people can go up in the left and down in the right in the narrow space between houses… Looking around, you can see stone walls, stone steps, stone alleys…It seems that stones are everywhere.


   Stairs nearly a hundred meter long wind its way from the bottom of the village to the top. Villagers go down the stairs carrying baskets of rice on their shoulder poles. It’s just like a pair of clever hands happily moving on the keys to perform pieces of harvest songs. 


   Stepping on the dark green stone slab, you can see raindrops falling from the gap between tiles. These raindrops are like transparent crowns when they splash on the slabs. The sound of the footsteps rustles and echoes in a winding path leading to a secluded spot.


The irregular changing clouds in Hengkeng (video)


The distinctive architecture and scenery in Hengkeng have attracted lots of artists to painting from life. 


Hengkeng is also a great place to take photos. Many photographers come here out of admiration.


In the warm spring, flowers are coming out with a rush; wisps of smoke rose continuously from the village chimneys; the sun is shining down the mountain village.


Hengkeng is a great summer resort, and you can always meet sea of clouds when you push the door. 


   The moon above the long alley is sinking with the sound of pounding clothes,I miss my hometown seeing the leaves falling from a phoenix tree.(This is a line from the poem Autumn Thoughts written by Lu You, a poet of Song Dynasty)( In ancient China, people would use a stick to pound clothes in washing in order to make clothes clean)


Sowing seeds in spring; storing food in winter. When snow falls down in silence, the villagers review the pains and happiness, talking and drinking. 


The entrance of the Hengkeng Village


Seeing Hengkeng from sky


When the night screen has hung down, every family is lighted. At this time, you can look up at the starry sky. You may even feel that you can touch these exquisite things simply with your stretching hand. It seems that there is only yourself with one light and one cup of tea.  


Primitive pastoral village


Smoke rising from the chimney of keekwilee-house evokes so many people’s memories of delicacies from hometown.  

列入县非物质文化遗产 “绳抽狮子”,已有300多年的历史。   

Lion with rope show which is a traditional performance has a rich history of over 300 years, and it has been included in the county intangible cultural heritage.


Hengkeng has the honor to get the title “one of the ten beautiful villages in Zhejiang Province.” The picture shows that the secretary of Hengkeng Village Xu Yeyi (The second from the right) received awards.




The boutique Minshuku Valley under Clouds in Hengkeng Village, Songyang County

Introduction of the progress



  The boutique Minshuku Valley under Clouds is located in Hengkeng Village, Songyang County. It will be transformed by a local traditional house of antique flavor near the mountain and by the water. The transformation of the Minshuku is going smoothly now. The transformation will not destroy the original appearance of the village. Our rooms are well lighted, and we ensure that the effect of sound insulation is great, as well as the temperature in the rooms. You will also be satisfied with our comfortable beds. We want friends who have similar ideals and beliefs to join us before we start our business. We will build our own Shangri-La together and let ourselves switch freely between rural and urban life. 

    If you’re tired of the hustle and bustle in the city, you can come to Valley under Clouds where only the sound of wind, water and stream together with the fresh air and food exists.

If you have interest, please scan the QR code to join our WeChat group.


Designs for the door area of the Minshuku


Designs for the lobby in the No.2 building of the Minshuku


One of the designs for guest rooms


The transformation of dining room in reality

We plan to improve the designs.

   关于本人,网名 彬洋,四十不惑,从体制内走出去创业,开设自己的公司,定居杭州。向往世外桃源的内心安宁,又喜欢和志同道合的朋友喝茶聊天学习,初心和激情不变,为乡村复兴践行。

  My Internet nickname is Bin Yang, around 40 years old. I have opened my own company after working in state system. I settle in Hangzhou, longing for tranquility in Shangri-La. And I enjoy drinking tea as well as chatting and studying with friends who have similar ideals and beliefs. I always have my original intension and enthusiasm to help Hengkeng thrive.


The designer we invited returns Songyang from Hangzhou. We also invite designers from Shanghai and Guangzhou to give us advice. 


Designer He Xufeng


Story in Mountains designed by He Xufeng


The team are discussing designing projects in Songyang (video)


Minshuku in transformation


The staff members’ dormitory project will be finished soon.


  Hengkeng Village is very convenient for public transportation and is 10 kilometers away from the Songyang exit of Quzhou to Lishui Expressway. Two years later, a hub train station of Quzhou-to-Ningde Railway and Quzhou-to-Lishui Railway, Songyang train station, will be built.    Songyang train station is just situated on the foot of the mountains of Hengkeng Village, so it is possible for travelers from Hangzhou, Shanghai and Wenzhou to switch freely between rural and urban life. 


Pictures showing Quzhou-to-Ningde Railway


Hengkeng Village in Google Maps


The piers of the railway of Songyang station is in process



   Songyang County has a rich history of more than 1800 years. It is located in the southwest of Zhejiang Province, upstream of Ou River. Songyang has the biggest basin in mountains of the southwest of Zhejiang---Songgu Plain. The graceful Songyin Stream babbles through the Plain.   Such wonderful pastoral scenery! There are over a hundred traditional villages, which is the epitome of China’s five thousand years of farming civilization. Songyang is eulogized as the last secret place in the Jiangnan region. 

    There are not only multiple ranges of hills, gorge and deep pool, but rich fragrance of tea and fruit and a boundless expanse of rice and beans in Songyang. Songyang County is a great resort for traveling, photographing and painting incorporating natural landscape, cultural relics, historic sites and folk customs. National AAAA Tourist Attraction and Provincial Tourist Attraction-Ruoliao virgin forest-has hundreds of acres of Rhododendron simiarum Hance grove, known for its miles of flowers. National AAAA Tourist Attraction, Songyang Damu Mountain tea plantation, is the biggest tea plantation for biking in China. National AAA Tourist Attractions, Likeng attraction, known for its regimen; Xiangxi attraction, known for its water scenery, are the epitome of the beautiful villages’ construction. National Forest Park and Demonstration Base of National Agricultural Tourism, Mao Mountain, is the place where Ye Fashan who is a representative of Taoism of Tang Dynasty gets epiphany. Mao Mountain is quiet and beautiful, glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn. It even has the only inland hunting place in Zhejiang! Songyang also has Bamboo Canyon which is one of the top ten canyons in Lishui, Zhejiang. And you will not want to miss the rocks looking like two children, especially in a snowy day in winter. South Zhejiang tea market is also worthy of visiting. It is known as the best green tea market in China with rich tea culture. 


 Damu Mountain tea plantation 




The boutique Minshuku Valley under Clouds in Hengkeng Village, Songyang County

Advertising for a manager and café partners(can be nationals of any country)。






















Job List

One Minshuku Manager

【Salary】:Negotiate face to face

【Requirements】:Male or female, aged above 25, at least associate degree.


     The manager need to look after all the affairs in Minshuku, including booking service, team building, reports statistics, coordinating the relationships between government, landlord and neighbors, etc. The manager should be enthusiastic about managing our network platform and popularizing our activities. The manager should also have a placid attitude towards doing a variety of things, such as repairing equipment, washing the dishes, carrying trays, planting flowers and so on. 

    If you have worked hard in cities for a few years, then we believe that it is not difficult for you to meet our requirements. What is real hard is the placidity when you do everything by yourself, the perseverance when you meet setbacks and the professional service spirit when you handle thorny problems. It would be better if you once worked in hotels and restaurants. The one who have the ability of designing, photography, copywriting, water and electricity maintenance, and driving are superior to those who don’t. 

    All in all, the domestic trivialities may replace your romantic dreams. You need to have a professional attitude to be a manager with artistic temperament. No pain, no gain. As long as you work hard, you will get generous returns and dividends.

    If you are full of warmth, interesting and you have a good taste, then I promise that this job will be the most fascinating job in your life! It is worthwhile to join us!

Two Minshuku housekeepers 

【Salary】:An annual salary of ¥36,000 to ¥48,000.

【Requirements】:Male or female, aged between 20 and 35, at least associate degree. 

【Responsibility】:Strong sense of responsibility, enthusiastic about service industries, be inured to hardships, good communication and coordination skills 

Two cooks

【Salary】:An annual salary of ¥36,000 to ¥72,000.

【Requirements】:Male or female, aged 25 between 50, no limit on degree. Adept cooking skills, enthusiastic about catering industries

【Responsibility】:Have knowledge of traditional Songyang food, innovative, careful, conscientious, strong sense of responsibility, be inured to hardships

Restaurant partners

【Requirements】:Have experience in managing catering business, better have Chinese and Western food resources, and have collaborative spirits

Café bar partners

【Requirements】:Have experience in managing cafe bar business, better have Chinese and Western food resources, and have collaborative spirits




Flowers have their season, reunions and separations are all in a moment.

Whether you come or not,

We will always be here, waiting for you quietly.





Facebook:Eric Wang


Contact Information:

WeChat: hangzhou808x

QQ: 185631141

Email: emss2020@163.com

Facebook: Eric Wang

Twitter: emss2020


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